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Sunday, 9 August 2015

Nineteenth Sunday of the year B - August 9, 2015 Gspel Jn 6:41-51

Fr. Bill Grimm MMM 

Image result for Holy Communion. Picture

Gospel Reflection :

John 6:41-51. I am the living bread which has come down from heaven.


Published on 4 Aug 2015
The Eucharist we share is food like that the angel gave Elijah. It is food that enables us to persevere in our long journey to God. It is the strength of God. 

prego - St Beuno's Ignatian Spirituality Centre 

[2nd Reading]. I am the living bread…anyone who eats this bread will live for ever ... 1 Kings 19:4-8; Psalm 34; Ephesians 4:30-5:2; John 6:41-51. How does.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Luisa Piccerreta. The Divine Firmness excerpt Vol. 21, and Frank M. Rega OFS

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Luisa Piccerreta. The Divine Firmness excerpt Vol. 21, and Frank M. Rega OFS

Product Details

 COMMENT Book of Heaven:
Text, quotation from Luisa Piccarreta from Vol. 21 before. 
Frank M. Regan OFS has 3 books of abridgment from Luisa, and in ways beautifully clear in sense.  
Example parallel below.

Life of the Mystic Luisa Piccarreta: Journeys in the Divine Will - The Middle Years - Part-B

2 Oct 2014
by Frank Rega

Divine Will Volume Twenty-one

March 5, 1927
How firmness in good is only of God, for once He has done an act, it never ceases. Effects of firmness. How the Humanity of Our Lord was the bond of times, the remedy and the model. How God wants the rights of the Divine Will to be secured.

I felt myself in a slumber of affliction because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, and in my interior I said to Him: ‘My Love and my life, how is it? You have departed from me without saying good-bye, without teaching me where to direct my steps, or the way I must follow in order to find You. Even more, it seems to me that You Yourself have burned away the paths through which You may be found. And as much as I wander around and call You, You do not listen to me – the paths are closed; and exhausted with tiredness, I am forced to stop, longing for the One whom I wish to find at any cost, but I don’t. Ah! Jesus! Jesus! Come back - come to the one who cannot live without You.’
But while I was pouring out my pain, He just barely moved in my interior; and as I felt Him move, I said to Him: ‘My Jesus, my life, how is it? You make me wait for so long, to the point that I cannot take anymore; and if You make Yourself seen, You just flash by, and You don’t say anything to me. So it becomes darker than before, and I remain fidgety and delirious with pain; I search for You; I call You – but I wait for You in vain.’

The Divine Firmness
And Jesus, compassionating me, told me: “My daughter, do not fear, I am here with you. What I want is that you never go out of my Will, and that you continue your acts - always, without ever moving from the boundaries of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. This will give you the firmness which will make you be like your Creator – once He has done an act, that act has the virtue of continuing, without ever ceasing. An act which is always continuous, is only of God, who suffers no interruption in His acts. This is why Our firmness is unshakable, and extending everywhere with Our immensity, it renders Our acts uninterrupted. Wherever We lean, We find Our firmness, which gives Us the greatest honor – it makes Us known as the Supreme Being, Creator of all, and renders Our Being and Our acts inexorable. In fact, whatever place We want to lean on, We find Our firmness, which sustains everything.

My daughter, firmness is of divine nature, and a divine endowment; and so it is right that We give this participation and endowment of divine nature to one who must be daughter of Our Divine Fiat, and who must live in Our Kingdom. So, the fact that you continue your acts in It, without ever interrupting them, reveals that you already are in possession of the endowment of Our firmness. How many thingsfirmness says. It says that the souls moves only for God; it says that she moves with reason and out of pure love – not with passion and out of self-interest. It says that she knows the good she does, and therefore she is firm in it, without ever interrupting it. Firmness says, with indelible characters: “Here, there is the finger of God”. Therefore, be firm in your acts, and you will have Our divine firmness within your works.”

Afterwards, I was continuing my acts in the Supreme Volition, and as I arrived at the point of following the acts of Jesus, from the moment of His conception in the womb of the Immaculate Queen, up to His death on the Cross, my adorable Jesus, making Himself felt again in my interior, told me: “My daughter, my Humanity came upon earth as though in the midst of times, in order to reunite the past, when, in creation, the fullness of my Will reigned in man. Everything belonged to It; everywhere It had Its kingdom – Its operative and divine life. And I enclosed this fullness of my Divine Will in Me, and binding those in the present, first I became the model to form the remedies which were needed, the helps and the teachings which were necessary to heal them; and then I bound the posterity to the fullness of that Divine Will which reigned in the first times of creation.

Therefore, my coming upon earth was a bond of reunion of times; it was the remedy in order to form this bond, so that the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat might return into the midst of creatures; it was the model for all, so that, being molded, they would be tied to the bonds formed by Me. This is why, before speaking to you about my Will, I spoke to you about my coming upon earth, of what I did and suffered, in order to give you the remedies and the model of my own life; and then, I spoke to you about my Will: it was bonds that I formed in you, and in these bonds I formed the Kingdom of my Will. A sign of this is the many knowledges I manifested to you about It; Its sorrow for not reigning with all Its fullness in the midst of creatures, and the goods It promises to the children of Its Kingdom.”

Then I continued to pray, and I was almost asleep, when, all of a sudden, I heard someone speak in a loud voice within me. I paid closer attention, and I saw my beloved Jesus with His arms raised, in the act of embracing me, saying to me with powerful voice: “My daughter, I ask nothing else from you but this: that you be the daughter, the mother, the sister of my Will, and that you place in safety within you, Its rights, Its honour, Its glory.” He said this with a loud and powerful voice. Then, lowering His voice and hugging me, He added: “My daughter, the reason for which I want the rights of my Eternal Fiat to be secured, is that I want to enclose the Most Holy Trinity in the soul. My Divine Will alone can give Us the place and the glory worthy of Us. Through It, We can operate freely and place in you all the good of creation, forming even more beautiful things, because with Our Will in the soul, We can do everything, while, without It, We would lack the place in which to put Ourselves, and in which to lay Our works; so not being free, We remain in Our celestial residences.

It happens as to a king, who, loving one of his subjects with excessive love, wants to lower himself to live in his little hovel. But he wants to be free; he wants to put royal things in the little hovel; he wants to command; he wants that subject to eat of his good and delicate foods together with him. In sum, he wants to live his life of king. But the subject does not want him to put his royal things, or to command; nor does he want to adapt himself to the food of the king. The king does not feel free; so, for love of freedom, he goes back to his royal palace.

Wherever my Will does not reign, I am not free; the human will causes a continuous contrast with Mine; therefore, not having Our rights secured, We cannot reign, so We remain in Our royal palace.”

March 10, 1927
How, in Creation, God gave the rights to possess the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

Life of the Mystic Luisa Piccarreta
The Middle Years - Part B
Précis (abridged)  by Frank M. Rega OFS 2014  

The Divine Firmness

Luisa was restless and sorrowful because of the absence of the One with Whom she could not live without. But the Lord, compassionating her, said that she should not fear, because He is with her. He told her that He never wants her to go out of His Will. She must continue her acts, without ever moving from the boundaries of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. This  gives her a firmness [fermezza], similar to that of her Creator. Once He has done an act, it has continuous life, and never ceases. This firmness is unshakable, and it extends everywhere in the divine immensity. It gives the Divinity great honour, making God known as the Supreme Being and Creator of everything.

His firmness sustains everything. It is of a divine nature and quality, and it is right that the daughter of the Fiat who lives in thDivine Kingdom should participate in this qualityWhen Luisa continues her acts in HiWillwithout ever interrupting themit reveals that she is in possession of the quality of the divine firmnessSuch solidity indicates that the soul moves onlfor Godthat she acts with reason and out of pure lovenot from passion or self-interestShe knows the good that she does and remains firm in it,without stopping. Firmness signifies the presence othe finger of God.

After thiswhile Luisa was continuing to prayshe suddenly heard Jesus speaking within her in a loud and powerful voice. He told her that He wants her to be the daughter, motherand sister of His Willand asked that she place its rightshonor and glorin safety within herselfThensoftening His voice and embracing herHe said that the reason He wants the rights of the Eternal Fiat placed in safetis because He wants to enclose the Most Holy Trinity in the soulOnly the Divine Will can give the Divinity the place and glorworthof ItBy means of the Fiatthe Most High can operate freely and lay within her all the good of Creationforming yet more beautiful things.
With the Fiat reigning in the soulthe Trinitcan do everythingbut without itthe place in which the Divinity can enclose Itself and operate freely is lacking. Wherever the Divine Will doenot reignGod does not feel free, since the human will causes continuous contrast with the Divine VolitionNot being free and without His rights in safety, God remains in the celestial dwellings (03/05/1927).

Luisa is Important - Frank Rega
12 Feb 2014 - ... that introduces her writings,. Life of the Mystic Luisa Piccarreta Journeys in the Divine Will - the Early Years. please visit ...